Provincial Grand Lodge of Midlothian

Lodge Newbattle St Mary No. 1063

26 Newbattle Road, Newtongrange, Midlothian.
EH22 4RW Tel: (44) 0131 663 3401

Master: Bro. Alex Moffat P.M
Secretary: Bro. A Higginson Tel: (44) 774 888 6402
Meetings: 2nd and 4th Tuesday - September to April, at 7.00pm.

Constituted 4th November 1909
Brief History of Lodge Newbattle St Mary
During the year 1909, 32 founder members signed a petition for a Charter, to erect a new Lodge, to be designated Lodge Newbattle St. Mary 1063. Some neighbouring Lodges, in the surrounding area, voiced their concern that this could be detrimental to them, and their membership. However, Lodge St. Leonards, Loanhead and Lasswade 580, and Lodge Dalhousie Bonnyrigg 720, sponsored the petition.

At a Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge, held on 4th November 1909, the petition, proposed by the R.W.P.G.M. of Midlothian, Bro. Col. Lewis M. Hope CB, ADC, and seconded by Bro. Munro Denholm was presented. A large majority granted a Charter.

The first Master Elect of the Lodge Bro. Mungo Mackay, (general manager of the Lothian Coal Company, and a much feared man within the mining community), and the proposed Office Bearers, met the very next evening, Friday, 5th November, in the United Free Church, when Lodge furniture, clothing, and colours were selected. The following Tuesday, 9th November, and each Tuesday thereafter, until the Consecration, Erection, and Installation of Office Bearers, on 1st December 1909. The R.W.P.G.M. and his Officers performed the ceremony. The R.W.M. Bro. Mungo Mackay remained in this Office for three years.

Regular Meetings were held monthly, with Special Meetings taking place weekly, between. The first Special Meeting, held on Tuesday, 7th December, saw seven Candidates proposed, ballotted, and initiated.

It is interesting to note that, on several Meeting nights, two Degrees were worked, with, on one occasion, seven Brethren being Raised to the High and Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, followed by three Candidates Initiated.

The Lodge still meets in the same premises, having purchased the same in 1947. It continues to prosper, and recent refurbishment, to the Jubilee Lounge, has drawn many complimentary remarks from Members and visitors alike.

Should you require further information please contact Bro. A Higginson. at:



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